What follows below is our regular in-person Sunday worship schedule which resumes June 6.Additionally, to pray with those who will continue to worship with us virtually, the 9 AM service will also be live-streamed each Sunday on Zoom and then available later in the day on our Facebook Page. For a link to the live-stream and more information on in-person worship at 9 and 11 AM in the church, click here.


9:00 AM - Holy Communion with Children’s Chapel

An ancient/future sacramental service deeply rooted in the Episcopal Tradition with music from the Hymnal, Taize and Gospel tradition. All of our services are projected on screens allowing new worshippers to participate fully without finding page numbers and to free our hands for holding children or a cup or coffee alike. Episcopal services are fully participatory using our body, mind and spirit as we sit, stand, sing, pray, listen, and learn together. Following the Sermon each week there is a time called Open Space for quiet prayer and self-guided spiritual reflection (Open Space is currently on hold due to the pandemic). Children’s Chapel (ages 3-3rd grade) takes place during the Liturgy of the Word (the first half of the service). Families are informed when children will go to Chapel and all return before Communion so that we can all receive together. Their service mirrors the adult service with age appropriate songs, prayers and teaching. Childcare (infants-3 year olds) is available at each of our morning services in our nursery. Casual attire is welcome.


10:20 AM - Christian Education for all ages

On most Sunday mornings between services (10:20-11:05 AM), St. Julian’s offers thoughtful and engaging Christian Education/Spiritual Formation for people of all ages to help us all grow in practical ways more and more into the people God is calling us to be. Adults meet in the worship space and we have three classes for youth and children: Pre-K-2nd Grades meet in our Red Room, Grades 3-5 meet in our Green Room, and students/youth grades 6 and up meet in our Blue Room.


11:15 AM - Holy Communion with Children’s Chapel

The 11:15 AM service is identical to the 9:00 AM service (read above at 9 AM for service description).