Our Vision is to Grow in Relationship, Love all Well, and Seek Intimacy with Christ.

Finding Purpose

Our Mission

St. Julian of Norwich is an Episcopal community whose mission is to offer worship, spiritual formation, fellowship, and service to all in Christ’s name.

Finding Direction

Our Rule of Life

St. Julian's rule of life provides a necessary, supporting structure that will carry us through the life-long process of becoming the people and community God has created us to be. The practices embedded in this rule of life form us spiritually with wisdom gathered from centuries of Christian spiritual experience and reflection.

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Finding Meaning

What We Believe

As Episcopalians, our beliefs and the patterns they ask us to inhabit are defined in our Baptismal Covenant. In short, we believe that God creates everything in love and for love, that God redeems everything through the mystery of Jesus' death and resurrection, and that God sustains everything through the ongoing presence of the Holy Spirit, who inspires us to be a prayerful people of hope, justice and love.

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Sacramental Worship

St. Julian’s offers beautiful worship rooted in the Episcopal/Anglican tradition that is both ancient and future in practice.


Openness to the Spirit

We encourage openness to the Holy Spirit to guide us as we grow in our relationships with God and one another.


Service to Others

We receive, accept, share and return God’s love and blessings to all who are entrusted to our care both within and without our community.


Mutual Respect and Trust

We are a community that demonstrates trust and respect for one another by a willingness to share honestly, listen, be vulnerable and negotiate difference with love and grace.



All who God entrusts to our care feel welcomed and valued because we value difference and diversity as an opportunity to learn more about God and ourselves.


Multi-generational Community

We value and seek to serve in our ministry ALL people, adults, youth and children, by offering both age appropriate worship and programs and opportunities to learn and grow as a community of the whole.

Signposts for the Journey: A Vision for St. Julian’s

Our seven Signposts for the Journey provide for us a guide and direction for becoming the community we believe God is calling us to be over the next decade and beyond.

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A vision of life at St. Julian’s in 2024

Based on the Seven Signpost for the Journey, this is how we imagine our shared life at St. Julian's a decade from now.

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