St. Julian's rule of life provides a necessary, supporting structure that will carry us through the life-long process of becoming the people and community God has created us to be. The practices embedded in this rule of life form us spiritually with wisdom gathered from centuries of Christian spiritual experience and reflection.

Participants in the life of St. Julian’s will strive to participate weekly in the service of Holy Communion, regularly in Christian formation, and daily in personal prayer — recognizing that when we gather, pray, and study we are given the spiritual nourishment we need for both inward growth and outward service. This will include offering financial support to St. Julian’s through an annual pledge in order to sustain the ministries by which we are fed and by which we serve others.

Participants in the life of St. Julian’s will use the seasons of Advent and Lent to take account of our lives — discerning areas of sin and weakness where God may be calling us to repent, return, and grow in a new direction. This may include fasting and participating in the Rite of Reconciliation.

Participants in the life of St. Julian’s will actively share with others the goodness and grace we have received from God — expressing in our everyday lives the beauty, love, and hospitality of Christ. This could include acts such as welcoming a stranger, forgiving a friend, sharing our faith, or reconciling with an enemy.

Participants in the life of St. Julian’s will share in the mission and outreach work of the community — serving the neighbor and the stranger and attending to the needs of the broken and the forgotten. This will include participating in local outreach as well as one short-term mission trip/pilgrimage every two years.

Participants in the life of St. Julian’s will work for peace and justice — following the nonviolent example of Jesus and respecting all persons. This will include witnessing to the politics of God’s kingdom in the church, working in the wider society to make the world more peaceful and just, and welcoming all healthy forms of diversity while boldly and unapologetically proclaiming Jesus as Lord.

In short, WITH GOD’S HELP, participants in the life of St. Julian’s will strive to live the following rule of life:

  • Participate weekly in Holy Communion
  • Take part in regular Christian formation and practice daily personal/family prayer
  • Financially support the mission and ministry of St. Julian’s
  • Observe the seasons of special devotion in the church year—Advent and Lent
  • Show Christ’s love to others in our everyday lives
  • Share in the mission and outreach ministry of the community
  • Work for peace and justice
  • Embody the counter-culture politics of Jesus
  • Welcome diversity and respect difference